Role Model
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The Red Bag
Children's book
How one student help end bullying
Obama said bullying is frequently targeted as "kids that are perceived as different," from the color of their skin to sexual orientation. "It's not something we have to accept," Obama said.
The president also said his big ears and unusual name made him a target: "I wasn't immune. I didn't emerge unscathed."
President Obama & Arthur Agee
want to end bullying
Arthur Agee
Bullying and Suicide Prevention
Bullying is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4400 deaths per year, according to the CDC.
For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts.
Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.
Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University.
A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying.
10 to 14 year old girls may be at even higher risk for suicide, according to the same study.
According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of bullying
Bully-related suicide can be connected to any type of bullying, including physical bullying, emotional bullying,and sexting, or circulating suggestive or nude photos or messages about a person.
Some schools or regions have more serious problems with bullying-related suicide.
This may be due to a problem with bullying at the school. It could also be related to the tendency of students who are exposed to suicide to consider suicide themselves.

The foundation does not seek to limit the dream of children that some day they can be the next NBA superstar. Instead we use this dream to motivate kids to do better in all aspects in their life in the event they don't become the next NBA ALL-Star.
Arthur Agee played basketball with President Obama and Arnie Duncan in Chicago back in the day. They all had Dreams Beyond the Hoop.
We strongly believe that educational equality will lead to good careers and societal accomplishments. It is not our goal to train future NBA players, but instead to provide a foundation for a successful life beyond basketball. The competition is not basketball, the competiton is “life”.
Radio interview Arthur discusses The Foundation on the radio with Lou Vickery..listen HERE
NEW Foundation program........
Stay in School Program
Drop out Prevention Program
Dr. Al Barrios
Helping Students Live Their Dream
Red Bag
How one student helped stop bullying
A. Agee & T.Van
Arthur Speaks at John Marshall High School
Schedule this intensive program at your school organization! Build self-esteem and confidence and turn dreams into reality. Click Here
The goal is to keep kids dreaming and improve their chances and options where they can start dreaming of a life outside of basketball and sports. We want to help them develop lives that start with a foundation in education and values beyond sports. Sports is a tool to build character.
1. 157,000 + senior basketball players graduate each year and only 1,775 of them will get scholarships!
2. Only 1.5% of high school graduates will get into a division 1 college!
3. Only 0.03% of high school basketball players will one day play in the N.B.A.!
4. Only 1.2% of college players will be drafted by the N.B.A each year!
5. 1% of college players will make it into the N.B.A.!
6. If you are a top 100 player-athlete you are 1 in 3 to make it!
How are you going to separate yourself from the rest?
Contact Ann Stuckel for Educational Programs and books HERE
Arthur Speaks at Triple AAA Academy- Dalls,TX
Schedule this intensive program at your school organization! Build self-esteem and confidence and turn dreams into reality.
Powerful Presentaton by Arthur Agee / Chicago Rotary Club
Arthur on Channel 8
Dallas TX/ with Triple AAA Charter Schooll
Written by Soul 360 -Written by Joe Glass and Produced by Brian "All Day" Miller.
30th Anniversary of the release of the world-acclaimed movie
"if you don't control your destiny... Someone else will"... Arthur .Agee.
Arthur Agee
Fox News Interview
with Jonathan Kelly 20 Year Anniversary of Hoop Dream and release of Blu-Ray Hoop Dreams
Merchandise License Programs Support the Foundation ... inquire here
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Check Out the Chicago High School Colors
Wednesday, May 13, at 7:30 am
Breakfast at Fenway Park:
Esperanza Academy Fundraiser
Keynote Motivational Speaker and Actor:
Arthur Agee
Arthur Agee, motivational speaker for inner city youth and star of acclaimed film Hoop Dreams, will be the guest speaker at Esperanza Academy’s annual Breakfast at Fenway Park on . The fundraiser, whose attendance this year has already reached 175 guests, will be held in Fenway’s State Street Pavilion overlooking the playing field, and will feature a tour of Fenway Park, a full-course buffet breakfast, and an auction, including sports memorabilia, Red Sox tickets, and themed gift baskets. To purchase tickets to Breakfast at Fenway Park, please visit
Hoop Dreams, which chronicled Agee’s dreams of rising out of poverty through his basketball talent, was lauded by critics, including the Washington Post, which called the film “the most powerful movie about sports ever made.” He also starred in Spike Lee’s film, He Got Game and in the TNT original movie, Passing Glory, an amazing story about basketball and racism in the south during the 1960s. Agee, who became a a positive role model for inner city youth through his dedication to the community and motivational speaking, also established the Arthur Agee Role Model Foundation, which provides youth development opportunities and scholarships for Chicago area youth.
Esperanza Academy is a tuition-free, independent middle school in the Episcopal tradition that welcomes low-income girls from Lawrence, MA, of diverse faiths, races, and cultures. The school, with its nurturing, academically rigorous curriculum, inspires students to become active learners and responsible global citizens. Esperanza Academy is 100% dependent on the support of generous individuals, corporations, and foundations whose contributions pay for the schools yearly operating budget.
Instagram Arthur Agee @ MR.HOOP DREAMS
Pictures from Breakfast at Fenway Park May 13
Dreaming For Arthur
Pro Status brings his listeners the first official leak, "Dreaming For Arthur" from his forthcoming project The Hoop Dreams EP. Pro takes us on a walk down memory lane by revisiting the daily struggles of young Arthur Agee both on and off the court. His metaphors are a clear indication as to why it's not about how you start, but how you finish.